
Cleaning and Disinfecting

Effective against COVID-19. EcoBrite Services is committed to the safety of the clients, the employees, and the community. So, we are prepared to clean and disinfect your facility and to do it according to the protocols set forth by the CDC.

Clean and Disinfect. CDC Standards.

Service details

Safety from Biological Contaminants. Cleaning and Disinfecting.

EcoBrite Services is committed to the safety of its clients. As well as the employees. And the community as a whole. So, we clean and disinfect your facility. And we do it according to the protocols set forth by the CDC. We have over 33 years of experience in the field. And we know how to deal with biological contaminants. So, our Team goes beyond the scope of the work that regular janitorial staffs perform daily. We deliver excellence in the cleaning business. That is why EcoBrite is the best choice. Call us. We will be pleased to hear from you!

All hour. All days. Our services can be performed day and night because our schedule is 24/7. But, equally important, 365 days a year. So, whenever you need us, we will be there. On time!


Electrostatic Disinfection. To Reach Every Spot. Including Underneath, Cracks, And Hard-to-Reach Areas.

Our Technicians perform a proactive cleanup. That is to say; it involves a facility or structure cleaning and disinfection. EcoBrite Services follows the latest guidelines and the recommendations from the experts. Our employees have been trained to apply all the new procedures and use only the best recommended commercial products in the market. For instance, we use a professional cordless electrostatic spray to disinfect common areas because it reduces cross-contamination. This is how we work, with high standards and proven results. Request a free quote.

Main features

  • Reduced cross-contamination
  • Quick, effective, and no residue
  • Eco-friendly, safe for the environment
  • OSHA, EPA, and CDC approved
  • No damage to electronics or surfaces
  • Effective against COVID-19
  • Good for hard-to-reach places
  • Removes germs and dirt

We Have the Expertise to Do the Best Cleaning and Disinfecting

The Surface Contaminant Measuring System

To clarify, the Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is an enzyme. Witch is present in all the living cells. And our proprietary ATP hard surface measuring system verifies the effectiveness of the cleaning procedures that we performed. As well as the hygienic status of the surfaces that we have sanitized. So, it detects the amount of organic matter remaining after the cleaning. In other words, we double-check our work. That is how we ensure our results. For your peace of mind.

Our cleaning methods are designed to keep our clients on top of the global safety standards. Our microbial analysis, and pathogen detection technology, is sophisticated. It can identify the potentially harmful microbes. And even sort out the strains of bacteria. Therefore, it helps to prevent contamination woes. So, no matter your niche, we help improve Quality. While protecting your environment.


Unique Demands for Hygiene

It is a fact that the surfaces are often irregularly shaped. Because they can have nooks and crannies. So, a simple cleaning just will not do. That’s why we use a powerful electro-static fogging disinfectant. It sanitizes even the most difficult of the surfaces. That way, you will be able to protect your staff. And your guests. From the most common germs and bacteria. As well as from allergens. Which can be very harmful to people’s health. We also offer a wide range of cleaning services. All of them are ideal for protecting your busy facility. Including our food-safe electro-static spraying. And our weekly restroom no-touch service. And these are just some of the services we can offer you.

Our Technicians and Day Porters provide a variety of products. To help you protect your guests and staff. Including sanitary wipes and antibacterial hand soap. As well as the hand sanitizer. And 100% green, safe chemical cleaning products.

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